Communion at Home
Our Church family does not just mean Sunday mornings … As well as our services in Church, we take our communion out into the community, especially to those who are unable to come to us. We can, for example, make arrangements to visit people who are sick, or recovering from major operations. In addition, members of St Mary’s and St Barnabas church provide Holy Communion services on a regular basis at many of the complexes for the elderly and infirm in and around Thatcham. These complexes vary from warden-controlled residences to care homes for the totally dependent. Many of the elderly grew up as regular church attendees, and so it is much appreciated that they are still able to worship regularly with others. At these ‘Little Churches’ there may be 2 or 3, or 22 or 23 people worshiping together regularly. It is not just the clergy from the church visiting; it is the church going out into the community. Please contact the Parish Office if you, or anyone you know, would like to participate, either as a helper or as a resident. |