Mary’s Organ
St Mary's
CofE Church, Thatcham, has a historic (1865) 3-manual Gray and Davison pipe
organ in urgent need of restoration. Parts of it are unplayable at present. The
church and the organ are used regularly for regular services and for weddings,
funerals as well as civic and musical events. Upkeep of the church and organ is
largely financed by donations and by giving by the congregation of local church
members. The church has launched an appeal to cover other maintenance and
upgrades to the church's fabric and the congregation cannot also finance the
organ restoration project, and we therefore appeal to the generosity of donors
to help us. The project is expected to cost £120,000 of which £45,000 has
already been raised. Please make your donation using internet banking. Use sort code 30-95-89, account number 01981892 and name 'Parochial Church Council Thatcham’. Please reference your donation 'Organ Fund’ |