Regular Giving
We would really appreciate your committed financial support. The best way to do this is to join the Oxford Diocese Parish Giving Scheme (PGS). Giving through this scheme provides a regular, predictable income for St Mary's Church that is easy and cost effective to administer and provides full financial safeguards for the giver.
All donations to St Mary’s Church made though the Parish Giving Scheme are paid to the Church. The costs of the Scheme are met jointly by Dioceses in England and Wales.
To set up a regular donation just access the Oxford Diocese Parish Giving Scheme and follow the on‑screen instructions ensuring that St Mary’s Thatcham is the selected parish church. This can be confirmed by checking that the parish code is 270627434.
The Parish Giving Scheme provides for donors to create a personal account to manage their donations.
Alternatively, regular donations can still be made via the Parish Giving Scheme with an application form obtainable from the parish office.